艺术在奥柏林随处可见:在我们备受赞誉的艾伦纪念艺术博物馆, throughout the conservatory and campus performance venues, in the vintage 阿波罗剧院, 在我们的学生社团, and maybe even in your room.
看一场音乐会,跟着现场音乐跳舞,看一场电影,租一幅画,或者试试卡波耶拉. 在一个小小的校园里,每年可以参加500多场活动, 在欧柏林的文化机会将塑造你的生活方式.
Allen Memorial Art Museum
艾伦纪念艺术博物馆(AMAM)由超过15个博物馆组成,000件, 它一直名列全国顶级学术艺术博物馆之列. Featured artists include Chagall, 毕加索, 莫奈, 和其他人, plus a comprehensive collection of global art from Africa, 日本, 和更多的. 博物馆的资源、画廊和项目对所有人免费.
此外,奥伯林大学的教授们还会带学生到一间打印自习室观看收藏的作品. 当然,有了奥伯林著名的艺术品租赁计划,你就可以了 生活 with an original work of art for an entire semester.
你会发现黑尔斯艺术工作室在低层的黑尔斯体育馆. Obies meet here for art instruction and studio work, 以及涉及绘画的大型个人或团体艺术作业, 画, 安装, 和性能. The art department hosts an end-of-semester show here, exhibiting student paintings, 图纸, 和雕塑.
Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1947, Weltzheimer/Johnson住宅是为数不多的向公众开放的Usonian住宅之一. Usonian指的是赖特在二战后为美国中产阶级设计的约50套住宅. 这些房子是朴素的、环保的单层住宅. They embody Oberlin’s value of sustainability, built for passive solar heating and cooling, naturally lit clerestory windows, and radiant floor heating.
The arts thrive in other spaces, too. 巴伦画廊是一个多功能的展览设施,于2010年投入使用. Located adjacent to the Oberlin 校友 Association, 它为学生提供展览空间和活动机会, 教师, and local and international artists.
艺术租赁不是一个地方,而是一个与伟大的艺术生活在一起的机会. 每个只要5美元, Obies can rent two original works of art each semester, 通常是蚀刻, 照片, 海报, 或平版印刷. With works by such artists as Toulouse-Lautrec, 毕加索, 红色新郎, the rental collection has something for everyone.
这个经过翻新的礼堂作为艺术部门和博物馆的多功能画廊和演讲设施. Multimedia 安装, 艺术家的讲座, 表演, 该部门的顶级高级工作室项目展览在这里举行.
Oberlin’s campus is like a giant, multi-venue concert hall, with 表演 taking place nearly everywhere on campus. 芬尼教堂(芬尼教堂)和华纳音乐厅(华纳音乐厅)这样的大空间是克利夫兰管弦乐团和潘趣兄弟(Punch Brothers)的主场, 更小的空间举办各种活动,从校园即兴表演俱乐部和爵士乐团到全国巡回演出.
Varied types of music, 剧院, 作为观众或表演者,舞蹈是可以体验的. And with a piano in every residence hall and co-op, 你的表演可能是在图书馆度过一夜之后的午夜.
With its signature 1950s-style marquee out front, Oberlin’s 阿波罗剧院 is synonymous with quality, family friendly movies shown at reasonable prices. The single-screen movie 剧院 has shown old-school, reel-to-reel films to enthusiastic audiences since 1913.
The renovated 剧院, located downtown at 19 E. 大学圣., 一楼有一个411个座位的单屏幕主影院和一个61个座位的放映室, an indoor ticket center, an expanded concession area, a new sound system and digital projector. It also sports a media education center with editing labs, 动画区, a recording studio and a small projection screening room. 学生可以创作电影和其他媒体,并在剧院与社区分享.
Famed for its acoustics and beauty, 芬尼教堂是奥伯林知识分子和音乐生活的中心. 建筑师卡斯·吉尔伯特(Cass Gilbert)设计的罗马式拱门和橡木长凳给这个地方增添了一种宏伟的威严, 而一个不朽的C.B. Fisk pipe organ lends a genuinely soulful feel.
这个1,拥有200个座位的圣所举办了著名的演讲者和著名的音乐家, 但这只占每年在这个舞台上举行的近200场活动中的十几场, 包括每月的风琴泵和奥柏林管弦乐团和奥柏林爵士乐团的表演.
的独特, 拥有501个座位的sopronia Brooks Hall礼堂是大型戏剧制作的地方, 舞蹈表演, and two Opera Theater programs take place each year.
坎德剧院是一个新的表演空间,取代了小剧场, 这是一个更大的改造项目的一部分,该项目旨在支持和加强奥伯林剧院系. The new space has a seating capacity of 75, making it an ideal venue for smaller scale, 亲密的, and experimental productions presented by 剧院 教师, 学生, and 剧院-based student 组织.
威廉和海伦·比伦鲍姆创新和表演空间是最近的活动空间. 这个俱乐部式的场地位于奥柏林酒店的低层,可容纳100多名客人.
By day the Birenbaum serves as a teaching space; by night it features conservatory 表演 and special events.
这个地下热点以巡回艺术家和奥伯林学生乐队为特色,代表了各种风格, 包括独立, 嘻哈, 爵士乐, and genres yet to be named, 以及奥伯林学生谁形成一流的音乐组合或采取居住在DJ摊位.
Located on the ground floor of Wilder Hall, the ’Sco has an impressive selection of beers on tap, 还有飞镖, 台球, 和桌上足球.
奥伯林表演艺术咖啡馆的氛围随着这里举办的各种各样的节目而变化, from singer-songwriters to slam poetry showcases, and from improv to late-night blues.
Tucked into the modernistic Betram and Judith Kohl Building, 十大赌博靠谱网络平台堪称典范的录音室是举办独奏会的地方, 讲座, and multimedia presentations by 学生, 教师, 和客人.
David H. 斯图尔演奏厅, named for the alumnus and fomer dean of the conservatory, is a bright and flexible 1,在温室标志性建筑的顶层有300平方英尺的表演空间, Bibbins大厅.
Affectionately known as “The Penthouse,” Stull Hall hosts master classes, 演出, and other music events for up to 120 客人s.
仙童教堂的石墙空间适合安静的冥想, 精神上的聚会, 还有早期音乐和为少数观众安排的无伴奏合唱. 这个150-seat chapel is located in Bosworth Hall,
Originally built as a gymnasium in 1901, 华纳中心是奥伯林剧院和舞蹈系的所在地. The large Victorian-style gym, 华纳主要, serves as a classroom, 舞蹈工作室, and versatile 250-seat performance space.
学生, 客人, 教师独奏会和录音会在这个645个座位的大厅里举行,大厅里有一个44站的Flentrop管风琴,400年管道.
学生俱乐部 & 组织
Here, art isn’t just for music 和性能 majors. 无论你是在考虑跳对手舞还是寻找恐怖电影迷, you’ll find—or form—a group of like-minded Obies.
Whether you’re an aerialist or a radio DJ, we’ve got more than 175 active student-run clubs, many of them arts related, including swing dance, the Oberlin Film Series, at least four a cappella groups, 即兴表演团体, 和WOBC-FM, the student-run radio station.